Compare Properties Spain:
Makelaar in Javea, Denia, Calpe, Albir, Altea, Moraira, Jalon Valley, Alfaz del Pi, Benidorm en andere gebieden van de Costa Blanca.
Johanna Whittaker
Johanna is de makelaar van het kantoor. Ze is geboren in Menorca (Balearen). Haar ouders zijn Engels. Ze spreekt vloeiend Spaans, Engels en Frans. Voordien heeft ze 10 jaar binnen de financiële wereld gewerkt m.b.t. de aankoop van onroerend goed in Spanje voor buitenlandse investeerders. Johanna is zeer deskundig op het gebied van hypotheken, Internationaal overdracht met wisselkantoor en onroerend goed. Doordat ze is opgegroeid in de toeristische gebieden van Spanje kent ze het gebied goed en heeft ze ruime kennis van wat de investeerder er in vastgoed zoekt. Ze is communicatief vaardig en weet de klant van de perfecte service te bedienen. Johanna weet haar weg te vinden en is voor u de juiste persoon om u op elk gebied, de aan- of verkoop, hypotheek of juridisch te adviseren. Johanna runt haar makelaars kantoor met haar twee zonen, Dylan en Deklan. Zij verzorgen de administratie. Voor de Nederlandse klanten heeft het kantoor Evelien Sjoerts als contactpersoon, indien men in het Nederlands informatie wenst (zie onderaan de tekst meer info).
Compare Properties Spain
Compare Properties Spain is een familiebedrijf (Johanna en haar zonen Deklan en Dylan, beide werkzaam op kantoor) en een gerenommeerd makelaarskantoor dat gespecialiseerd is in de aankoop en verkoop van woningen aan de Costa Blanca in Spanje. We hebben een breed aanbod van verschillende soorten woningen. Van compacte appartementen tot luxe villa's. En alles daar tussenin. We werken veel voor kopers uit Nederland die op zoek zijn naar een tweede huis aan de Spaanse Costa Blanca. De afgelopen jaren hebben we verschillende mensen geholpen met het realiseren van hun woondroom in Spanje.
Ons werkgebied
Ons werkgebied is het noorden van de Costa Blanca. Een schitterend bergachtig gebied met mooie kustlijnen en gezellige mediterrane stadjes. De bekendste plaats in onze regio is Benidorm, maar we zijn ook werkzaam in de aangrenzende plaatsen en omliggende gebieden van de Costa Blanca. Wij kennen onze regio als geen ander en weten precies wat er speelt op de lokale woningmarkt. Samen met u gaan we op zoek naar het perfecte huis. Bent u opzoek naar een woning in de noordelijke Costa Blanca? Dan bent u bij ons aan het juiste adres! Wilt u meer weten over onze dienstverlening? Wilt u weten wat de mogelijkheden zijn voor u? Neem dan eens vrijblijvend contact met ons op, we staan u graag te woord!
Wat kunnen we allemaal voor u doen?
Compare Properties Spain kan veel voor u betekenen.
- Vinden van uw droomwoning
- Aankoopbegeleiding
- Hypotheken
- Renovatie & bouwwerk
- Juridische bijstand
- Verzekeringen
- Valuta overdracht
Waarom kiezen voor Compare Properties Spain:
Compare Properties Spain heeft veel pluspunten waardoor u ons kiest als uw makelaar.
- Ervaren makelaarskantoor
- Veel ervaring met klanten uit Nederland
- Nederlands sprekende contactpersoon
- Persoonlijke en servicegerichte aanpak
- Uitgebreide netwerk regio Costa Blanca
- Enthousiast behulpzaam team
- Volledige ontzorging: van zoekopdracht tot overdracht
- Deskundige begeleiding financiën, hypotheek en juridische zaken
- Hulp bij afsluiten van verzekeringen
- Vertalingen van belangrijke formulieren naar het Nederlands
International Realtor® Membership
We hebben de categorie van International REALTOR® Membership van de NAR, de American National Association of REALTOR, de grootste en meest prestigieuze vereniging van vastgoedprofessionals, die al meer dan 110 jaar actief is in de VS en met meer dan 1.300.000 medewerkers . Om als IRM te worden geaccepteerd, moeten Spaanse makelaars de toewijding van naleving en professionele praktijk op zich nemen in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de preambule, artikelen en actienormen van de REALTOR® ethische code, in een vertaalde versie en aangepast aan het Spaans met de juiste autorisatie van de NAR, en op bevredigende wijze hebben voldaan aan alle andere criteria die zijn vastgesteld voor lidmaatschap. Werken met een IRM, een Spaanse REALTOR®, is een garantie om samen te werken met een vastgoedprofessional die zijn / haar adviesvaardigheden uitoefent bij de verkoop of aankoop van het onroerend goed, waarbij hij de ethische principes naar voren brengt waaraan hij / zij zich heeft gecommitteerd. REALTOR® betreft zowel de plichten jegens klanten en gebruikers, als ook de plichten jegens het grote publiek, en de plichten jegens andere REALTOR®.
Heeft u vragen over de aankoop of verkoop van een woning of u wilt weten hoe het leven in Spainje is? Johanna, Deklan and Dylan staan u graag te woord.
Contact ons
We helpen u graag met het vinden van uw droomwoning! U kunt contact met ons opnemen via telefoon, text, email, of WhatsApp. We zijn bereikbaar op 034) 966 471 283 - (0034) 634 329 574. Indien u graag een email stuurt kan dit via Onderstaan kunt u testimonials lezen van tevreden en enthousiaste klanten over onze service en professionaliteit.
Eric Parr from the United Kingdom" We have been looking for a villa for some time, having had the experience of dealing and viewing with several different agents we came across Johanna, from Compare Properties Spain. No sale gimmicks or hard sell she is amazing. Her passion and efficiency not to mention professionalism blew me away. As events and conference manager am matriculated to detail but met my match in Johanna. Every detail was in order and nothing was too much trouble. We must have driven her crazy with our demands but that did not show. Johanna succeed where others did not. We are soon to be the proud owners of an amazing villa that fits us like a glove and that is without doubt down to her knowledge in the area and having the contact to get the best villas on the market. If you're looking for a villa or home that is a life-changing decision then you need the best we can highly recommend Johanna from compare properties Spain. Jonathan and Eric from the UK""
Colin Stacey from the United States """Johanna Whittaker and Compare Properties started to help us with our property search early in 2022 and at the end of this month, we will have our perfect apartment. Johanna is so patient, informative, and knowledgeable that there is no way we could have sorted out the whole process by ourselves. No question too small or 'left field', her guidance and property suggestions were thoughtful and spot on. As we have moved through the purchase process she has continued to be there, badgering lawyers, estate agents, and any other obstacle in her way. Johanna, thank you so much."""
James Franklin from Norway ""Throughout our purchase, Johanna provided excellent service. She happily spent two days driving us around houses that we had selected for viewing and was able to rapidly understand our requirements and provide a sounding board when we were undecided. Once our offer was accepted, Johanna helped every step of the way, giving regular updates on how things were progressing and pushing blockers out of the way with her wealth of experience. I would not hesitate to recommend Compare Properties Spain to anyone buying on the Costa Blanca.""
Daniel Berdat from Malibu ""Compare Properties Spain, namely Johanna Whittaker was extremely professional in helping us to reach our goal to find on getting the home we always wanted in Denia. Navigating the real estate market is hard, especially during the Covid times! Johanna was the partner who stuck with us showed tremendous tenacity and was knowledgeable, open, transparent, and reliable throughout the entire process. She really cared about us, understood our needs from the very first day, and stuck with us until we reached our goal. She is bilingual and speaks Spanish and English fluently, which was an additional help and made the process easier. We felt lucky to find Johanna, we highly recommend her and Compare Properties Spain""
Erik Wof from the USA ""Buying a home in Spain is unnecessarily old-fashioned, complex, and time-consuming. What takes 4 weeks in the UK, Germany or USA can take 3 months or longer in Spain. The process is not clear and there is always one more hoop to jump through. Furthermore, the real estate market is rife with "agents" who are nothing more than people like you or me who hope to make some quick cash on a sales referral. This means that the buyer has to cut away a lot of wheat from the chaff before you will find anyone worth their weight in the Spanish real estate market. Johanna is one of those people who has earned the reputation of being worth her weight in gold. She is a consummate, licensed real estate professional, fully bilingual and bicultural, and helped us to navigate through and around various potholes in the home-buying experience in Spain. We cannot recommend her highly enough.""
David Cross from the United Kingdom ""I visited Johanna at the NEC (Place in the Sun Show) because of a good friend's recommendation and found her very approachable, and knowledgeable and her professional and efficient manner is the way I like things done. Visiting Denia with a shortlist of 10 properties she helped us immensely and found us something that was not on our list but was perfect. I like her warm friendly way of doing things. During our property visits, she left us to look around and did none of the sales pitch, but was always there to point out things of interest. We have since, bought the property that wasn't on our list and she has continued to be there for any help or advice (legal or otherwise) Johanna just seems to go the extra mile in making sure you find the right place for the right price and is always there for help. even after sales. I think she is one of the most friendly, efficient, and professional estate agents to be found in the Costa Blanca area of Spain. Would I recommend Compare Properties Spain? Absolutely !!""
Freddy from Switzerland "" I have had a really great experience with Compare Properties Spain. Johanna Whittaker was my personal guardian angel. After finding out what kind of house I was looking for, she took me on a house-viewing trip. She had listened to all my requests but also put in a few mystery houses. It was great!! She took feedback very seriously. Listened, questioned, suggested... I am so very grateful for her help in finding my wonderful new home. Johanna is very professional and honest and made this whole daunting experience a joy. Thank you with all my heart Johanna. Thoroughly recommend ~ definitely 5 stars ~ if I could more ~ ""
William Pablon from Germany in the American Forces ""Great experience working with Compare Properties to find our new home in the North of Costa Blanca. Johanna Whittaker was fantastic! Really can't say enough about the assistance and guidance we received from Johanna. She made the entire process come together from beginning to end with no difficulties, the process was much easier than expected, but we attribute this to Johanna's hard work ethic, experience, and knowledge of purchasing a home in Spain. Johanna did more than just show us properties, she also provided excellent recommendations and coordinated for a lawyer and a bank to acquire a mortgage. Both the lawyer and bank worked out fantastic, Johanna knows the right people and this makes the entire process easy. Compare Properties and Johanna stood out from the other realtors, she was on the ball from the beginning, so we dropped the other realtors and went solely with her. We didn't want any surprises or the feeling of being taken advantage of when buying property in a foreign country. It's natural to have some anxiety during the process, but Johanna eased this anxiety. We can't recommend Compare Properties and Johanna Whittaker enough! If you're serious about real estate in Spain look no further. ***** 5 stars well deserved! Thank you!""
Sophie Martin from the Uk "Johanna was a great help when looking for our house in Spain. She took the time to have a really good chat and get to know what we were looking for and select only relevant properties...we only intended on having an initial look while we were on holiday, but ended up putting in an offer! It's also a great help that she's so knowledgeable about the financial side of things - mortgages and currency exchange, which makes a huge difference to making it all seem quite straightforward. Definitely recommend.""